The Reliable Source

GTA Bedding Components Inc. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of quality bedding components servicing mattress manufacturers in both Canada and the United States. Our efforts and determination, combined with our experience, has enabled us to build a reputation of being a reliable source in the bedding industry.

We have invested in and implemented a new automation process in our facilities, which has improved our ability to maximize our output of components, which in turn ensures quicker and even more reliable service to our valued customers.

With a dedicated and talented team, valuable and sustainable relationships with customers and vendors, we continue to explore new developments and processes in manufacturing to provide the bedding industry with the best product and exceptional service.

We’ve loved every minute of our journey and are excited for the future.

To learn more about our journey and developments, read “Our message from the President”.


The Trusted Source

To further benefit and respond to customer supply and demand, we have added additional machinery into our manufacturing process and now have two facilities in the Brampton area to better service you, the customer.

We offer accurate, reliable and timely service to ensure our customers’ needs are consistently met.

We are committed to supplying the best build up foundations and components in the industry.

Our production facilities are set up to efficiently flow the product through each department, continuously passing quality control check points. This is done to ensure the highest quality product and increased customer satisfaction.

There’s no substitution for the best.


The Right Source

  • We are proudly Canadian owned & operated
  • Decades of experience
  • We continue to grow and develop, ensuring that we deliver outstanding value, quality and service
  • Two manufacturing facilities
  • Proud suppliers to some of the leading mattress manufacturers in North America
  • Eco-Friendly company